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Agathe Grossmith

4124 - full - crd_page - medium

Date de mise à jour : 12 décembre 2016

CSR Manager, Carrefour Group


4218 - embed - crd_image

Agathe Grossmith BIS

Agathe Grossmith is CSR Manager for Carrefour Group and she is leading the product sustainability team. Agathe is especially in charge of Carrefour action plan on Biodiversity, second pillar of the Group CRS priorities, including marine resources protection, agro-ecology and forest protection. As part of her missions, she is in charge of the dialogue with stakeholders regarding product and supply chain issues.

Date de mise à jour : 12 décembre 2016

4124 - full - Contenu des classeurs

Ordre de priorité des .INI
Attribute Type Value
0 string 'settings'
1 string 'extension/ezsite/settings'
2 string 'extension/ezfind/settings'
3 string 'extension/ezsiteUtils/settings'
4 string 'siteaccess'
5 string 'extension/ezwebin/settings'
6 string 'settings/override'

Entrées dans $pagedata.SiteParams : SiteBaseURL RootNodeID contact titre_site copyright site_ouvert genererDebug soustitre_site