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Nora McKeon

4121 - full - crd_page - medium

4102 - embed - crd_image

Pr. Nora McKeon lecturer at Roma 3 University, Italy
Lecturer at Roma 3 University


Nora Mc Keon worked for many years at FAO, opening it up to organizations of small-scale producers. She now engages in research, teaching, and advocacy around food systems, governance and rural peoples’ movements. She closely follows evolutions in global food governance including the reformed Committee on World Food Security.  She teaches at Rome 3 University and the International University College of Turin. Publications include:  Peasant Organizations in Theory and Practice (UNRISD 2004), The United Nations and Civil Society (Zed 2009), Global Governance for World Food Security (Heinrich-Böll Foundation, 2011), and Food Security Governance: empowering communities, regulating corporations (Routledge 2015).

4121 - full - Contenu des classeurs

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